Our Consulting and Presenting Services

“The first presentation on AI that makes sense and I understand. Awesome presentation and great speaker.”

Anonymous feedback from a recent presentation of Graham’s

🤵 Who I Am

I, Dr. Graham Clay, run AutomatED with my partner, Caleb Ontiveros, tech wizard and entrepreneur.

As a teaching assistant professor of philosophy, I have taught 600 students across 7 courses (17 sections) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Notre Dame, and Fort Lewis College. I have taught in-person courses, hybrid courses, online synchronous courses, and online asynchronous courses.

I write (almost) all of the content for the newsletter, both free and ✨Premium. I do all of our consultations with professors, instructional designers, departments, teams, and others in higher ed. I do all of our presentations and webinars.

I have developed custom technology solutions for individuals, spoken to teams of librarians, coached graduate students on AI pedagogy, and helped professors upgrade their syllabuses.

At my recent presentations, 95% of attendees reported that I communicated information clearly and were organized, 90% reported that I kept them engaged, 100% reported that I answered their questions, and 81% reported that they can apply information I provided in their work/research, despite 76% having minimal knowledge of tech and AI issues.

Wherever you need help regarding tech and AI integration, I can provide it, either asynchronously, via Zoom, or via an in-person session.

Over the past few months, I have worked with and presented to a range of audiences from institutions like the University of Notre Dame, Furman University, and Kent State University.

“Really interesting perspectives beyond the typical plagiarism conversation!”

“I appreciated that the presenter shared some actual examples of ways he used AI.”

“So many ideas to think about. Thanks for a great and inspiring session.”

Anonymous feedback from a recent presentation of Graham’s

You can email me to schedule a session or discuss your options by clicking this button:

Dr. Graham Clay

Let's transform learning together.

Feel free to connect on LinkedIN!

Some Possibilities

"I asked Graham to design a workflow that would help me be more efficient in commenting on student papers. Frankly, I was skeptical that Graham could create something that would meet my needs, but given my curiosity about GAI, I was interested in experimenting and so we forged ahead. The process went very smoothly; Graham was helpful and responsive. What he produced was excellent. It far exceeded my expectations, and at a reasonable cost."

Benjamin S. Yost, Professor of Philosophy, Adjunct, Cornell University
  • I present an AI primer to your department or team, targeted to your context.

    • The result: Your team is better positioned to have internal meetings about the direction you want to take to deal with the opportunities and challenges of AI.

  • I examine the materials for one of your courses — from your syllabus to your assignments to your lesson plans to your final project — with an eye to ways to better reach your pedagogical goals by incorporating more technology, including training students in the use of AI tools.

    • The result: An enriched teaching experience, and students who are more engaged and better prepared for the digital age.

  • I help you set up a range of software — project management, voice transcription, and time management — and integrate it with Canvas, Zoom, and your email client.

    • The result: You save valuable time on administrative tasks so that you can focus on what truly matters: teaching (and perhaps your research, too).

  • I help you revise your strategy for discouraging AI plagiarism or misuse and for addressing cases of suspected AI plagiarism, thereby increasing the effectiveness, credibility, and fairness of your pedagogy.

    • The result: A learning environment that encourages originality and earnest engagement, as well as one that properly holds students accountable.