✨Premium Q&A #1 - Implications of the ASU+OpenAI Partnership & More

I answer Premium subscribers' questions, including one on how my students see AI.

[image created with Dall-E 3 via ChatGPT Plus]

Welcome to AutomatED: the newsletter on how to teach better with tech.

Each week, I share what I have learned — and am learning — about AI and tech in the university classroom. What works, what doesn't, and why.

In this week’s piece, I answer the first set of Premium subscribers’ questions.

This is the first-ever AutomatED Premium subscriber Q&A. Last week, Premium subscribers submitted questions they had about AI, tech, higher ed, pedagogy, our new GPT, our forthcoming GPTs, our future writings, AutomatED itself, or … .

Today, I will answer four of these questions:

Let’s dive in!

1. Might we see a surge in collaborations between higher education institutions and OpenAI, similar to the recent partnership with Arizona State University?

Yes and no.

Subscribe to Premium to read the rest.

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